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Raffle to win a Tuffy Duck

Some of you may have seen Jon Babbage recently purchased a wooden duck for his collection. Having subsequently painted it in Tuff colours he posted a picture on Facebook.

He has been surprised at the very positive reaction and has proposed a fund raising initiative. He is now preparing another ‘Tuffy Duck’ in club colours and has offered to run a raffle. Tickets will be £1 each and all proceeds will go to our charity partner – Mind

Raffle tickets are £1 each and will be available when you next see Jon at a training session.  The raffle will be drawn at the end of September at the SplashPoint 5k

As the reaction to the initial Tuffy Duck has been so strong there may well be more than one up for grabs, so don’t hesitate to purchase ticket(s) soon.

A big thank you to Jon for this fun idea to raise money for our charity.