
Adrian Oliver

Name: Adrian Oliver

Role: Secretary, webmaster

Club Member: Since 2017

Multisport Achievements: Enjoy training for events as much as the events themselves.

Description: Although I have enjoyed swimming, cycling and running for many years, I only rediscovered the joys of cycling for fun during our nine years in Chiang Mai, Thailand cycling up amazing rural mountain roads.  Although I could swim, I always considered swimming as an uninspiring sport when compared to rural running or cycling.  It was only when my wife Jenny finally convinced me to come along to a Tuff Fitty swimming session that I discovered that structured training made swimming so enjoyable (and hard!).  Eventually I was persuaded to enter my first multi-sport event.  The discovery of triathlon in my 50s makes each training session and event new and exciting – an adventure to see what I am able to achieve, made more enjoyable by being able to share the experiences with my wife Jenny and newly discovered friends.