Weekend Round Up 4th 5th January

We are used to Jay McCardle undertaking unusual events and this marathon was no exception. A headtorch run celebrating the New Year in the way only Jay can. Held in Zurich city centre with laps along the River Limmat. Whilst this could have been classed as a New Year celebration run, Jay wasn’t hanging around finishing in just under 4hr 15 – and whilst laps a high percentage pulled out after the third lap. Thanks to Jay for reporting in:-
“So finding myself recently single again wasn’t really looking forward to the festive period and the New year .. So the marathon in Zurich starting at Midnight seemed a good escape. I have done this marathon before in 2019 so I knew what to expect. I went over with a friend, Mark and this was going to be his 250th marathon ( you see there are people madder than me out there ) We flew out in the Morning and did a bit sightseeing around but it was to cold to stand around for to long”
“The race starts at a leisure Centre and being European they love a bit of Europop and a big disco was in full swing. They said 30 nationalities were represented. We started on the stroke of Midnight down to a river with all the fireworks going off all round the capital. The route is a 10k loop so you run4 loops where you follow the burning barrels, the first 2 laps of the race are really busy as there is a half as well. The last 2 laps were really spaced out but cold it got down to -3 at 4 in the morning”
” The race done back on the train to the Airport and 9AM flight back so no accommodation needed. A long, cold adventure but well worth it”

Captain Clare Worgan invited all Tuffs to get everyone’s New Year resolutions off to a flyer by inviting them to run Littlehampton parkrun. Unfortunately many other locations were not staging on New Year’s Day and concentrating on Littlehampton we were expecting 25 Tuffs. Unfortunately a declaration to cancel had been made only once the majority were in their cars. As other like minded Tuffs were present everyone stayed to enjoy a run together (still 25 Tuffs around the course). What was significant was several other runners who were unaware of the course stayed with the large Team of Tuffs to be guided out to the turn point.
It was the right call to cancel because of the wind and rain, but actually getting buffeted by the wind created a fun atmosphere with everyone working together and much banter. Thanks to Jon Roper for the photo gallery and Rhian Standley for the above photo and of course Clare for enticing so many out onto the seafront.

At lunchtime there was a further inducement for members to venture into the blustery conditions and state “my training is going really well this year” as Tuff Fitty had booked an hour at Arundel Lido. The booking was at the end of the public opening meaning our swimmers could enjoy the pool heated to 28 degrees. Following on from last weekend’s dark swim, this one also achieved great reviews.
Unfortunately the weather deteriorated further with the high winds accompanied by a downpour, but this was whilst most of the swimmers were in the pool – which was the best place to be. The photo gallery below covers the booking and Tuffs present.

As you will read above many had scheduled to run at Littlehampton parkrun at New Year’s day but the late cancellation due to high winds left little time to find an alternative, especially as Worthing and Lancing Green did not take place.
Bognor Regis parkrun did proceed and running here were Cameron Coe. Sue & Colin Simpson ran round together having diverted their plans from Littlehampton.
Hove Park parkrun was another venue to avoid the cancellations and was chosen by Paul Fielder for his first visit there.

It was rewarding to see so many Tuffs venture out into the bitterly cold conditions at the following :-
After the cancellation of New Year’s day parkrun, crisp, very cold conditions greeted Littlehampton parkrun runners. This didn’t deter some good runs as Nathan Cooper surged across the line, 7th overall in 19:1. Steve Fryer was our next runner 18th overall. Juliette Reader produced a strong run as she finished 4th female overall. Emma Hinton was our next runner. Then we had a Tuff duo as Alistair Evans finished just ahead of Adrian Oliver. Chris Evans, and Claire Moyle and then Debbie Birch who once again gained credits for taking part and volunteering. Hope Newcomer was also on the volunteer team making an impressive ten Tuffs on the prom.
Worthing parkrun saw Danny Cunnett as first Tuff home. Worthing regular Les Pearce was in attendance as was Edward Lay moving inexorably towards his 200th parkrun.
Bognor Regis parkrun saw Clive Harvey run in Hotham Park. Cameron Coe was next opting to pace his daughter round her first ever parkrun.
Chichester parkrun was targeted by Run Academy members and two of their members who are Tuffs were part of their team. Simon Grundy had a cracking run finishing 10th overall in 20:37 around the playing fields of Oaklands Park. Kate Evans also ran under RAW.
Lancing Beach Green parkrun saw Steve Feest run the out and back course.
Further afield Katie Young and Will King ran in the picturesque Staunton Country Park of Havant parkrun with Katie crossing the line as 6th female overall.
Well done to all twenty

The organisation is building for our 29th annual Frosty Aquathlon being held on the 2nd March. Whilst entries are arriving steadily, we do require the help of our members to push the advertising. The above flyer is on our Tuff Fitty Facebook page and we would appreciate everyone’s help to ensure the message is shared far and wide – thank you.
To ensure the event progresses smoothly we do require everyone’s help either to participate in one of the races, or help on the morning of Sunday 2nd March. There are many tasks, indoors and outdoors where we can place volunteers in a role comfortable for them. Please see the race details on our website here and for volunteering please indicate on our Spond event set for 2nd March