Tuff Fitty Year Event Calendars

Tuff Fitty Club Focused Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2024-07-27Tuffs @ Ardingly (Mid Sussex Tri)
2024-08-10STRUN2024: Worthing Park Run 5km
2024-08-25STRUN2024: Arundel Castle 10km
2024-09-04STRUN2024: Track 10km
2024-09-08South East Senior Triathlon Series: REP Southwater Triathlon Relays
2024-09-15Cancer United Outrun Cancer Fox 5/10km Run/Walk
2024-09-18Tuff Fitty Track Respect Power Hour
2024-09-??Tuff Fitty & Angmering Cycling Club Hill Climb Challenge @ The Fox (date to be confirmed)
2024-10-??Sussex County Cross Country Team Relay
2024-10-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 1: Goodwood?
2024-10-18?Tuff Fitty AGM @ The Fox (date and location to be confirmed)
2024-11-01Tuff Fitty Membership Renewal
2024-11-08?Tuff Fitty Awards Celebration (date and location to be confirmed)
2024-11-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 2: ?
2024-12-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 3: ?
2024-12-24Tuff Fitty 24-on-24 Trail Run
2025-01-04Tuff Fitty Pool Resolution Power Hour
2025-01-??Tuff Fitty Meet The Captains at The Fox (date and location to be confirmed)
2025-02-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 4: Lewis
2025-03-02Tuff Fitty Frosty Aquathlon 2025
2025-05-18REP Arundel Lido Triathlon
2025-07-27REP Cowdray Estate Summer Trail Run (+BBQ?)

Tuff Fitty Club Focused Multisport Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2024-09-08South East Senior Triathlon Series: REP Southwater Triathlon Relays
2025-03-02Tuff Fitty Frosty Aquathlon 2025
2025-05-18REP Arundel Lido Triathlon

Tuff Fitty Club Focused Swim Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2024-07-27Tuffs @ Ardingly (Mid Sussex Tri)
2025-01-04Tuff Fitty Pool Resolution Power Hour

Tuff Fitty Club Focused Bike Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2024-09-??Tuff Fitty & Angmering Cycling Club Hill Climb Challenge @ The Fox (date to be confirmed)

Tuff Fitty Club Focused Run Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2024-08-10STRUN2024: Worthing Park Run 5km
2024-08-25STRUN2024: Arundel Castle 10km
2024-09-04STRUN2024: Track 10km
2024-09-15Cancer United Outrun Cancer Fox 5/10km Run/Walk
2024-09-18Tuff Fitty Track Respect Power Hour
2024-10-??Sussex County Cross Country Team Relay
2024-10-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 1: Goodwood?
2024-11-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 2: ?
2024-12-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 3: ?
2024-12-24Tuff Fitty 24-on-24 Trail Run
2025-02-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 4: Lewis
2025-07-27REP Cowdray Estate Summer Trail Run (+BBQ?)

All Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2024-07-27Tuffs @ Ardingly (Mid Sussex Tri)
2024-07-28Goodwood Motor Circuit Cycling
2024-08-10STRUN2024: Worthing Park Run 5km
2024-08-17REP Adur River 5km Swim
2024-08-25STRUN2024: Arundel Castle 10km
2024-08-31Helen Bull One Way Windermere Swim fund-raising for Arundel Lido
2024-09-01Brighton & Hove Triathlon
2024-09-04STRUN2024: Track 10km
2024-09-08South East Senior Triathlon Series: REP Southwater Triathlon Relays
2024-09-09Challenge Bournemouth International Triathlon
2024-09-15Cancer United Outrun Cancer Fox 5/10km Run/Walk
2024-09-18Tuff Fitty Track Respect Power Hour
2024-09-22UK Cycling New Forest Cycling Sportive
2024-09-28UK Cycling Kent Classic Cycling Sportive
2024-09-??Tuff Fitty & Angmering Cycling Club Hill Climb Challenge @ The Fox (date to be confirmed)
2024-10-06Sussex Trail Events Downs Link Ultra
2024-10-12REP Cowdray Estate Autumn Trail Run
2024-10-??Sussex County Cross Country Team Relay
2024-10-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 1: Goodwood?
2024-10-18?Tuff Fitty AGM @ The Fox (date and location to be confirmed)
2024-10-20Ironman Croatia 70.3
2024-10-20Great South Run
2024-10-26Beachy Head Ultra/Marathon/10km
2024-10-27Beachy Head Half Marathon
2024-11-01Tuff Fitty Membership Renewal
2024-11-02Thorney Island Trail Run Half Marathon/15km
2024-11-08?Tuff Fitty Awards Celebration (date and location to be confirmed)
2024-11-09South Downs Trail Run Goodwood Half Marathon/18km/12km
2024-11-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 2: ?
2024-11-17Goodwood Motor Circuit Cycling
2024-11-23Wittering Beach Run 15km/10km/5km
2024-11-30New Forest Trail Run Half Marathon/16.4km
2024-12-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 3: ?
2024-12-07REP Cowdray Estate Winter Trail Run
2024-12-22Portsmouth Marathon/Half Marathon
2024-12-24Tuff Fitty 24-on-24 Trail Run
2025-01-04Tuff Fitty Pool Resolution Power Hour
2025-01-??Tuff Fitty Meet The Captains at The Fox (date and location to be confirmed)
2025-01-26South Downs & Arundel Marathon & 15mile Winter Trails
2025-02-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 4: Lewis
2025-03-02Tuff Fitty Frosty Aquathlon 2025
2025-04-05REP Cowdray Estate Spring Trail Run
2025-04-30Tuffs On Tour
2025-05-03REP Angmering Bluebell Trail Run
2025-05-10?Tuff Fitty Transition Practice (date and location to be confirmed)
2025-05-18REP Arundel Lido Triathlon
2025-06-08Eastbourne Super-Sprint/Sprint/Standard Triathlon
2025-07-27REP Cowdray Estate Summer Trail Run (+BBQ?)

All Multisport Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2024-09-01Brighton & Hove Triathlon
2024-09-08South East Senior Triathlon Series: REP Southwater Triathlon Relays
2024-09-09Challenge Bournemouth International Triathlon
2024-10-20Ironman Croatia 70.3
2025-03-02Tuff Fitty Frosty Aquathlon 2025
2025-05-18REP Arundel Lido Triathlon
2025-06-08Eastbourne Super-Sprint/Sprint/Standard Triathlon

All Swim Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2024-07-27Tuffs @ Ardingly (Mid Sussex Tri)
2024-08-17REP Adur River 5km Swim
2024-08-31Helen Bull One Way Windermere Swim fund-raising for Arundel Lido
2025-01-04Tuff Fitty Pool Resolution Power Hour

All Bike Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2024-07-28Goodwood Motor Circuit Cycling
2024-09-22UK Cycling New Forest Cycling Sportive
2024-09-28UK Cycling Kent Classic Cycling Sportive
2024-09-??Tuff Fitty & Angmering Cycling Club Hill Climb Challenge @ The Fox (date to be confirmed)
2024-11-17Goodwood Motor Circuit Cycling

All Run Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2024-08-10STRUN2024: Worthing Park Run 5km
2024-08-25STRUN2024: Arundel Castle 10km
2024-09-04STRUN2024: Track 10km
2024-09-15Cancer United Outrun Cancer Fox 5/10km Run/Walk
2024-09-18Tuff Fitty Track Respect Power Hour
2024-10-06Sussex Trail Events Downs Link Ultra
2024-10-12REP Cowdray Estate Autumn Trail Run
2024-10-??Sussex County Cross Country Team Relay
2024-10-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 1: Goodwood?
2024-10-20Great South Run
2024-10-26Beachy Head Ultra/Marathon/10km
2024-10-27Beachy Head Half Marathon
2024-11-02Thorney Island Trail Run Half Marathon/15km
2024-11-09South Downs Trail Run Goodwood Half Marathon/18km/12km
2024-11-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 2: ?
2024-11-23Wittering Beach Run 15km/10km/5km
2024-11-30New Forest Trail Run Half Marathon/16.4km
2024-12-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 3: ?
2024-12-07REP Cowdray Estate Winter Trail Run
2024-12-22Portsmouth Marathon/Half Marathon
2024-12-24Tuff Fitty 24-on-24 Trail Run
2025-01-26South Downs & Arundel Marathon & 15mile Winter Trails
2025-02-??Sussex Cross Country League Race 4: Lewis
2025-04-05REP Cowdray Estate Spring Trail Run
2025-05-03REP Angmering Bluebell Trail Run
2025-07-27REP Cowdray Estate Summer Trail Run (+BBQ?)

    To notify us of additional events, or whether Tuff Fitty members are participating in an event, please let us know using the form below:

    Your Name:

    Your Email:

    Event Name:

    Event Type:

    Event Description:

    Tuffs Entered:
