Weekend Round Up 15th 16 June

We start this weeks Round Up with Congratulations to James Oram and Claire Griffiths on the birth of their daughter Annie Rose on Friday weighing in at 8.8lb. Understandably James has been taking some Tuff time out in the the build up and we wish James, Claire & Annie Rose, every health and happiness.

The setting of Windsor Castle serves as the backdrop for a Triathlon that has to run up to the Castle gates from the Thames, a climb of 100 feet – three times; a tough Triathlon. We have two reports from the Tuff attendees; firstly Tiff Orton and secondly Trevor Harvey :-

“A marvellous gaggle of Tuffs represented the club at Royal Windsor Triathlon with Harvey 1, Harvey 2 (both seasoned veterans of the event), Jon Fivecakes, Glenn (competing in his first tri since 2015!) and myself all doing the Olympic distance.”
“The event was fantastically run with a new course for all 3 disciplines since I last took part in the event”.
“The swim was a lovely current assisted c.900m but when you reached the turn buoy for the last 600m, man it was tough! We caught up with the back swimmers of the waves in front and now had the front swimmers of the wave after me, it was hard work against the current and was a bit of a bun fight but I was pleased to finish with an albeit slowish swim of 30mins (even if i could smell bacon, I started to feel hungry!!).”
“T1 was a LONG run in…… all changed and the rain started (though it was never as biblical as Weymouth!). I couldn’t remember the last bike course so was not tempted to go the ‘old’ way. The bike course was fab and fast, even in the rain, with only a couple of lumpy bits. Bike ticked off in 1.20, very pleased with that.”
“T2 much quicker, trainers only dry as had my running hat over them. They were soon to get wet again! A 3-loop run taking in the ‘lovely’ hilly high street past Windsor castle and then into the Great Park. I was lucky to see Jonny Wilkinson and Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson 3 times, both taking part in the run course. Man that would have been tough for the wheelchairs. The finish shoot was really busy with loads of spectators banging the signage so felt fab coming across the line in 2.57. After the race, all across the line, I finished off with my fellow tuffs on the infamous Ice cream corner. Trevor was a fab host for the weekend (thanks Trev!) a great time had by all”.
“Would definitely recommend this event and will be going back next year! “
Tiff 😃

“Clive and I completed our 22nd consecutive Windsor Olympic distance Tri at the weekend. Some might question the merits of doing the same race every year – however, there are very good reasons to. Firstly, as my local race, I normally host a few Tuffs, and so with Clive, Jon, Tiff and Glenn staying, it made for a great weekend with friends. Another Tuff racing was met in transition, Steve O’Donnell for his first Windsor outing. Secondly, the routes have changed several times, with two swim routes, three or four run and bike routes over the years – indeed, the cycle route was completely different this year! (….and another really good reason, I won free entry for life in a raffle at Windsor four years ago!).”
“After all the rain this year, whilst the river looked fine, it was deceptive, with a fast undertow meaning a lot of swimming to stay in the right place for the start. A big event, (Sprint and Olympic), which seemed full this year after a slight lull in numbers recently, and as such given the large transition area, both T1 and T2 involve long jogs, particularly with the bike to the mount point. It was dry before and during the swim, (excluding the bit in the river!), but just as we got on the bike, the rain started. I dithered whether to wear a gillet, but didn’t which was a good decision, as although windy it certainly wasn’t cold. Off then for the run, which consisted of three loops, heading up Castle Hill and out down the Long Walk. The weather for the run was more of a drizzle, and getting warmer.”
“Steve O’Donnell was first Tuff home in 2 hrs 33 mins, followed by Jon, Glenn, Trevor, Tiff and Clive, all the latter five within 8 minutes of each other.”
“Luckily the rain stopped for the now traditional rendezvous at ‘Ice cream corner’, for the Tuffs to cheer on later waves. A well organised event with a load of very friendly Americans marshalling who wanted the experience as part of their sports degree. “
“Registration is on the Saturday, (although you can pay even more to rack on Sunday, but as the cost with admin is almost a ton, it seems unnecessary and it’s nice not to have to worry about the bike at stupid o clock on Sunday morning). A good medal, and a 1/2 pint beer glass in place of the usual T shirt.”
“NB – I’ve already asked for my free code for 2020, the event’s 30th year.”

The ever popular Raw Energy Swim in the Arun starting on slack water. Would the tide whizz everyone down to L.A? Gavin Sewell takes up the story:-
“Such a great race to take part in. Always well organised by Raw Energy and with nearly 500 swimmers and a mass start in Ford a perfect warm up for the Outlaw swim. Although this swim is a little faster due to swimming at slack water and having current with you.”
“Met Phil Lintott-Clarke at registration and was soon joined by Paul Howie and one of the race favourites our very own Drew Gowland. Unbelievably Mick Dicker announced that someone had forgotten their wetsuit and did anyone have a spare? Didn’t see any hands go up.”
“We jumped on the coaches and headed to Ford and the start. As we stepped into the water it was bloody cold; and had a bit of a wait until everyone was in. Then the siren sounded and we were off. I struggled to find clear water and was a very physical start with lots of legs and arms flying everywhere. About 800m in, the space opened up and I could get into a rhythm. I felt good and swam well for me. Got stronger as the swim went on. Quite choppy towards the end and loads of seaweed getting in the way. But as I climbed up the ramp, and out of the water, greeted by Grant Smalley handing out some lovely and well needed protein balls. I saw my time and was very pleased with a 53.06. Drew came in 2nd overall in 44mins and Paul Howie not far behind in 45mins which was a fantastic 7th overall “.
“As usual there was a strong contingent of Tuff members with our results:- Drew 2nd, Paul 7th then Tom Frith next home (51 mins) Gavin Sewell and Adrian Oliver (both 53min), Juliette Reader (54) Dana Robertson (55) Graham Liddell (56). The good news kept coming as Nancy Liddell finished next, Jenny Oliver, Nicole Ewer, Claire Moyle to complete the Tuff dozen.”

We can rely on our very own, Chris Ette, Danny Cunnett & Jay McCardle at Sussex Trail Events to stage different events. Having previously staged the UK’s first multistory Marathon, this weekend they were at it again staging the first ever Prison Marathon. The event received such wide acclaim their Marathon featured on BBC Breakfast news. The link to the great film of the event is here. Disappointed to have missed 78 laps around the prison? Fear not. There is every chance that following the success of this event, Chris, Danny & Jay are looking at staging again possibly over an evening or as a night race.

Starting from Clapham Common, this 44th year of the British Heart Foundation Sportive with a route of 54 miles to finish on the seafront at Brighton. Along the route there was a water stop at 21 miles, lunch stop 29 miles in at Turners Hill and then the infamous climb over Ditchling Beacon,a rewarding water stop before rolling down into Brighton. Unfortunately all the organisation couldn’t factor out the very poor weather, which, started chucking it down as explained above in Windsor and continued for a large portion of the ride. Ross Court entered and he explained it was a tough ride with the rain and also very windy on the exposed places. This said, Ross was very pleased as he rode along with a quick guy which took him to the finish in 3 hours 19.
Jon Babbage rode with wife Shelley and they made it a family affair as they encouraged son Sam to enter. Being in the company of a pair of Tuffs meant it was a hard ride for Sam especially in those conditions but thanks for flying the Tuff flag with his cycle top. Our fourth club member riding was Ross Malyon. Congratulations to Jon, Ross, Ross, & Shelley

Late news from last week was that Stephen O’Donnell travelled to Leeds to compete in the Open Standard distance race. Stephen finished in 2:27 13th in his age group; a great result against such a competitive field

Race 6 in the West Sussex Fun Run League calendar; a 5km run around Hove Park. Well done to Chris Sloggett & Linda Wright who competed
At Lancing Park Run Meg Gritton is at the start of her Park Run career but achieved another PB slicing a full four minutes off her previous best – awesome work Meg. Also running was Ed Lay clocking up his 43rd Park Run. Across at Worthing Park Run Chris Sloggett was first Tuff home in 22:39. Tim Kenny was next home with a special mention to Amanda de Ridder who was on the organising team this week. Worthing PR was to take a break next week because of work on the WOW – Worthing Observation Wheel, but the latest news is that the Park Run IS on.
The core Park run server has been updated and is much more up to date. Purpose of this note is that it would be appreciated if every member could update their Profile with Tuff Fitty as your club in order that with the new sorting key we can ensure you don’t get missed and gain adequate recognition – thank you. It is also a great way to fly the flag and promote our club. (Those who run under a Running club banner this comment isn’t a necessity as we know who you are and can still find you OK)