Weekend Round Up 31st Dec 1st January 23
Unfortunately a waterlogged Hill Barn recreation ground led to the cancellation of the HangOver5 with many Tuffs entered, but there were still other activities to encourage club members away from their Christmas fare quite apart from strong attendances at ‘double parkruns.

Back for a second year this fun trail run follows the early stages of the Downsliink from Shoreham before crossing the Adur for a loop below Bramber, then retracing the Downslink back to Shoreham. Another well organised event from our own Tuffs – event directors Danny Cunnett and Jay Mccardle at Sussex Trail Events. With a 6pm start the run was definitely with headtorch and the perfect antidote to the Christmas overindulgence being staged on the Thursday between Christmas and the New Year.
It was great to see several Tuffs supporting the event and in terms of results; Jon Babbage was our first Tuff home and Tiff Orton, first female Tuff. Well done to all the finely honed Tuff squad for turning up and gaining their large, luminous Darklink medal. They were: – Jon Babbage, Glenn Parisi, Tiffany Orton, Trevor Harvey, Clive Harvey, Sue Neilson, Vanessa Green, Wendy Kane, James Brock, Sheila Bailey, Shelley Babbage, Kate Evans & Elaine Rousseau. Particular kudos to Jason Rae who answered the call for a sweeper to run around the course. In the age group categories, well done to Sue Neilson second in her ten year age group and to Trevor and Clive Harvey joint second in theirs’s (same gun time) just 5 seconds off first.
Another recommended Sussex Trail event, which you should look out for in 2023.

With New Year’s Eve on a Saturday, the morning run continued as usual at 7:30am, but with Arundel Lido having some seasonal opening, an hour’s Tuff swim was booked. The runners started in the dry but even up by the Hiorne Tower (above) conditions were extremely murky and damp. It didn’t take long for a deluge to begin, and as bedraggled Tuffs finished their run, the chair was checking the register to see how many of those just swimming would turn up in those conditions. He needn’t have worried as everyone turned up – indeed the heated Lido was definitely the best place to be as Tuffs jumped in off the cold concrete surrounds to warm up. Thanks to everyone who turned up to make the swim &/or run a very successful end to Tuff activities for 2022.

One or two laps of an 8K course covering sand dunes, hill climbs and of course as this is Longmoor camp ‘water features’ interspersing more climbs. If you fancy future ‘Brutals’ their events page is here. Leah Simms was our representative who reports as follows:-
“Well after the last few years of serious FOMO, I finally did Brutal, Longmoor and it didn’t disappoint”.
“I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy 5 mile run as there was a lot of relentless hill climbs up/down and also involved a lot of running through mud, sand and varying depths of water. I did expect wading through the ‘bog of doom’ (as they called it) but, I didn’t expect to be bear crawling through another one. The marshal shouted ‘on your hands and feet, it’s the only way to get through it’ he was not joking! It was thick, stinky mud and you came out covered in it! I thoroughly recommend this race if you haven’t done it before and it’s a great one to run with a group of friends”.

Whilst being a member of Tuff Fitty had enabled our club to sign up to a corporate membership at Freedom Leisure, this had not been widely publicised. The monthly fee is very competitive and joining enables members to use both The Wave & Arun Leisure Centre. For full details and costs, plus Freedom’s New Year initiative – please view the details on our Club App.
Before the parkrun’s are itemised; kudos to all our Tuff runners who pounded prom’s/pavements/trails/paths in some pretty horrible conditions.
Littlehampton parkrun saw the ever present Nick Hartfield on the organising team. Our runners included :- Steve Fryer our first Tuff home; 10th overall in 21:34. Steve Bridgeman was our next club member. Also running were Charlotte Lattin-Rawstrone, next Alistair Evans on his 110th PR followed a few seconds later by Claire Moyle.
Bognor parkrun continued Nathan Bilham’s good form as he finished 9th overall, in 21:38. Jason Rae notched up his 125th parkrun, 109 of these at Bognor, the race he founded.
Worthing parkrun is usually a prime spot for Tuff spotting, but this week we had just two representatives; firstly Edward Lay on his 110th PR and then Wendy Kane.
Horsham parkrun is currently at its winter home of Southwater Country park. Whilst a venue well known to Tuffs, participants are walked up from the cafe to start on the Downslink before running back, then completing a lap of the lake before an out and back Downslink leg – our rep here was Trevor Harvey
Southampton parkrun was the venue for our parkrun stalwarts Colin and Sue Simpson. Southampton was another venue ticked off having covered 65 parkruns at home and abroad. Held on Southampton Common where they raced a 10k before Christmas – a particularly strong run from Colin, 2nd in his age group.
Pomphrey Hill parkrun is close to Bristol and we had another seasoned parkrunner running three laps which includes a hill nicknamed ‘Up Pomphrey’ Well done to James Oram.
Well done to all 14
Not all parkrun locations staged a run on New Year’s Day but the following found courses to run.
Littlehampton parkrun saw Steve Fryer first Tuff home for the second consecutive day with just 15 second difference in time. Rick Budd was next reaching a milestone of 200 parkruns – congratulations. Spencer Scott opened his parkrun campaign with his first run and then Emma Hinton, crossing as 6th female overall. With no Worthing parkrun on offer, Les Pearce transferred his support to Littlehampton completing his 180th PR. Charlotte Lattin-Rawstrone was next shaving 8 seconds off her PB across this course. Sue & Colin Simpson were back on home territory for this parkrun. Alistair Evans completed his 111th parkrun. Nick Hartfield was back on the organising team to bring the LA total to 10 on the prom.
Bognor parkrun saw Jason Rae in action for his second consecutive day.
Dinton Pastures parkrun is near Wokingham & Trevor Harvey ran this one, explaining the two lap course takes in ‘Tufty’s Corner’.
Havant parkrun held in Staunton Country Park, was Natham Bilham’s run of choice as he completed his 91st parkrun.
Well done to the Tuff thirteen