Tuff Fitty’s Christmas Schedule.
Christmas is looming and to help members as they plan their own Christmas arrangements the following dates may assist:–

These continue as usual on Saturday’s but with two important changes

A long ‘running’ Tuff tradition before Christmas is to go for a run on a Saturday morning and then have a huge breakfast to follow, (just in case Christmas doesn’t provide enough calories).
Date: Saturday 17 December 2022
Venue: Beefeater, Crossbush Lane, Arundel, BN18 9PQ
Time: Meet in the car park at 7.30 to run
Eligibility: (a) anyone who wants a run (b) anyone who is injured or just wants to come for breakfast, (say from 8.15) (c) or simply anyone with porcine tendencies!
Meet in the car park ready to run, (festive accoutrements optional, but encouraged), for a run, (distance up to you but some will be taking it easy – Pompey half/full the next day), to work up an appetite, and run back to Crossbush for their all you can eat Breakfast. Tea/Coffee, cereal, yoghurts, croissants, toast and a full cooked breakfast, eating as much as you like. The cost £9.50, but if you consider how much a mug of Costa coffee costs, then you only need to have 3 cups of coffee to get your moneys worth! As a block booking has been made, it is suggested that everyone pays £10 so that we can give a small tip? There is a cheaper, healthier (?) continental option at £7.50. Please accept on the event, about to be raised, as Trevor Harvey has already booked and numbers attending can be viewed from that.

Saturday 31st December will see Tuffs usual meeting point of a run starting from Mill Road in Arundel at 7:30am. However Arundel Lido is open for some dates over Christmas and a Tuff booking has been made for one hour from 9am through until 10am. The Lido’s marquee will be open for hot drinks and snacks afterwards. People are welcome to come just for the run, or just for the swim or both, but don’t forget the Lido Car Park charges apply. The swim cost is the usual swim fee payable on Spond and as there are only 5 lanes the Lido aspect is likely to fill.

Two run events are mentioned here. Firstly the Darklink 10K which is set for Thursday 29th December and is a run up the Downslink from Shoreham to Bramber and back. 6pm start – Headtorches are mandatory. The event is publicised here as it is nice to support two of our members Danny Cunnett & Jay McCardle as directors of Sussex Trail Events; the organisers. Also mentioned here as the event filled quickly last year so if interested; don’t delay.
The traditional New Year Day’s HangOver 5 – a 5 mile run up from Hill Barn with an 11:30 start. Part of West Sussex FunRun League. Coming out of Covid only league clubs were permitted to enter this year. For 2023, it is learned that Tuffs will be able to enter. Mentioned here as some members have been asking. Entry details and price are yet to be determined, Details will be circulated once confirmed.
With Monday’s mostly clear of the holiday period, Monday 26th December – Boxing day, is likely to be the only casualty of the holiday season.

Confirmation of the Wave’s opening times are still to be confirmed but it looks likely that our twice weekly swims will continue as normal until Thursday 22nd December. The following Saturday’s Christmas Eve and New Years Eve it is unlikely the pool will remain open into late afternoon, and it is expected that early closing on Thursday 29th will prohibit our scheduled swims on these dates – to be confirmed.
We are planning a further Lido swim (separate from the 29th) during the holiday period, and do not forget those hardened swimmers doing their Penguin Challenge as their dates will no doubt continue when weather and tides permit

Tuff’s Wednesday Track sessions continue throughout December up to and including Wednesday 21st December. Worthing Leisure close at 5pm on Wednesday 28th so there will not be a track session that week. To get the New Year training underway Track sessions resume on Wednesday 4th January.

Group Zwift Tuff rides will continue up to and including Tuesday 20th December. Scheduled rides will re-commence on Tuesday 3rd January , although watch out for any seasonal specials.

Across the holiday season it is advisable to keep a closer eye on Spond as this will be an excellent medium to keep members advised of any changes, additions, or to simply rally others to get outdoors to shed some of the Christmas excess. It is likely that your Christmas tree is up…. in the loft for now, but as we move into December next week, and look forward to festivities, on behalf of the committee and coaches, we hope Tuff Fitty can play its part in an enjoyable Christmas, New Year period.